lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

finally after almost 2 freaking weeks last saturday i watch HP7-1 :3

and i absolutely LOVE IT i didnt feel the almost 3 hours:) i really like it i cant wait to see the next part! the only complain i have its that everything happens very fast.. but its okay i like it anyway:D

toda una orgullosa jardinera C:!

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Never compromise your work to please someone else. That is when every artist fails

I'm not beautiful like you. I'm beautiful like me. Just the way I am.


today is the pre-premiere(?) of harry potter seven :( and im not there... and i hate it-.- i have never been in a HP premiere and i think i will die without going to any premiere of HP:( and its sad cause my favorite book of harry potter is the seventh:( and i want to be there D: but well life is unfair:B i hope to see it next week:)!

Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere. -Henry Adams

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

i just heard the new mcr cd and im SOOOOOO inlove with it its just AMAZING its ten times better that i expected and wow im very surprised they always surprise me:)! thats why i love my boys♥ im very pleased with danger days, thanks my chemical romance, i cant wait to have the cd in my hands! and idk first i was like OMGGGG WHAT THE FUCK IS THATT WHERES MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE:( THOSE ARENT MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE:( NOO GIVE ME THE REAL MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE I KNOW NOT THIS:( i was so angry and confused and i really didnt know what to expect but know watching the videos and listening the whole cd i get the concept and i love it! cause they are a full performers and they can reinvent themselves all the times they want and be succefull and not anyone can do that! and im proud of them cause they always trying to give us something new and different and i love that! they dont care about the time that takes they care about the quality of the songs! they arent comercial at all they really care about the quality of the song and the meaning and the energy! they care about their fans :'3 and this album is full of enery! and desire of living! and enjoy every second of it and i love it you really can feel this energy and this joy its very contagious and idk im just so happy:)!

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

Kerrang! is a rock music magazine published by Bauer Consumer Media in the United Kingdom.

i have WEEKS looking like crazy the fucking kerrang magazine cause all this time i thought kerrang was a usa magazine:( and i was terrible wrong:( its was too beautiful to be true:( now im never gonna have the mcr issue:( damn you kerrang!

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

happy birthday♥



T. LOUIS (Nov. 3, 2010) — Nearly 1 million Missouri voters sent a powerful message through the ballot box to shed the stigma of being the puppy mill capital of the country by approving Proposition B, a statewide ballot initiative to establish basic standards for the care of dogs in large-scale commercial breeding facilities. Missouri is home to an estimated 3,000 puppy mills breeding hundreds of thousands of puppies, far more than any other state in the country.

“We are grateful to the citizens of Missouri for voting to crack down on puppy mill abuses and to establish common-sense standards for the care of dogs,” said Barbara Schmitz, campaign director for Missourians for the Protection of Dogs/YES! on Prop B. “Finally these animals will have relief from being crammed into small and filthy cages, without veterinary care, exercise, or human affection. If we can do it here in the nation’s largest puppy mill state, we are more likely to carry the day with reforms enacted in other states, where this cruel industry is not nearly as strong and entrenched.”

“This is a watershed moment for the dogs in Missouri’s breeding facilities,” said Kathy Warnick, president of the Humane Society of Missouri. “They will no longer have to suffer the unspeakable cruelty and inhumane conditions that have plagued them for so long. From this point forward, a more humane and compassionate standard of care will prevail for Missouri’s dogs.”

“This was a hard-fought victory due to the misinformation and outright lies being disseminated by the opponents of Prop B,” said Bob Baker, executive director of the Missouri Alliance for Animal Legislation. “Fortunately, Missouri voters were able to distinguish the truth and recognize Prop B for what it is, a common-sense measure to ensure the humane treatment of dogs.”

“It is no more business as usual for the puppy mill industry, and we have a pathway forward that will allow us to turn around this problem for Missouri and the nation with this victory tonight for the dogs,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States.

“We are more hopeful than ever that the strong momentum around puppy mill cruelty will push other states to follow Missouri’s lead, causing a ripple effect throughout the nation,” said Ed Sayres, president and CEO of the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). “In no other state were the stakes higher for puppy mill dogs, and Missourians have set an admirable precedent for reform.”

“This is a tremendous victory for the hundreds of thousands of dogs suffering in Missouri’s puppy mills,” said Elizabeth Oreck, national campaign manager for Best Friends Animal Society. “The people of Missouri recognized that change needed to happen, and that they are no longer willing to support this cruel and inhumane industry. If it can be done in Missouri, where the problem is the most severe, it can be done anywhere.”

Dogs are part of the family in the United States, and they should not be treated like breeding machines or a cash crop. The supporting groups look forward to working with commercial breeders to transition to more humane systems and to set a new high bar within this industry. Missouri lawmakers and state officials should embrace this message from the people, and immediately step up enforcement efforts to address the problem of inhumane breeding operations.

At puppy mills in Missouri, dogs are typically crammed into small and filthy cages, denied veterinary care, exposed to extremes of heat and cold, and given no exercise or human affection.

Prop B amends Missouri law to require large-scale dog breeding operations to provide each dog under their care with sufficient food, clean water, housing and space; necessary veterinary care; regular exercise; and adequate rest between breeding cycles. The measure also prohibits any breeder from having more than 50 breeding dogs for the purpose of selling their puppies as pets and creates a misdemeanor crime of “puppy mill cruelty” for any violations.

Prop B was supported by Missouri veterinarians and veterinary clinics from across the state; animal welfare charities and organizations, including the Humane Society of Missouri, the Missouri Alliance for Animal Legislation, Humane Society of Southwest Missouri, Wayside Waifs, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF), Best Friends Animal Society and The Humane Society of the United States; prominent Missouri figures such as Tony La Russa, Jack Danforth, and Linda Bond; as well as responsible dog breeders, elected officials, religious leaders and Missouri businesses; and actors Ed Asner, Chris Cooper and Kevin Kline, all native Missourians.

More than 190,000 signatures were submitted to the Secretary of State’s office in May to qualify the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act for the statewide ballot, and the measure was certified in August. The new law will take effect in November 2011, giving breeders time to meet the modest standards of care. More than 200 Missouri rescue organizations are ready and willing to take surrendered breeding dogs and find them loving homes.

Lawmakers in Iowa and Oklahoma, the second- and third-largest puppy mill states in the country, enacted puppy mill legislation earlier this year. Last year, 10 states approved legislation to crack down on cruelty at puppy mills. The animal protection groups that supported Prop B look forward to working with lawmakers in other states to ensure that dogs in puppy mills get the basic care they deserve.


im so tired
my head is KILLING ME
my eyes are so tired..
i can barely type..
im so tired and dissapointed:(
i just want to let it go...


i just dont get it... i really really cant believe how much you change and how much you idk youre so lost:( and i miss you SO MUCH! i really need you in my life im so worried about you:( youre such an important person in my life the last thing i want to do is hurt you.. and you should KNOW THAT cause i care about you and i always going to tell you the truth even that means to hurt you.. cause i know i will help you ! and i just want to see you happy:( im sooo sad and dissapointed:( i never thought that you idk be in such that bad attitude im so hurt right know cause i always going to be next to you! telling you the truth and helping you! cause that what real friends do and i am a good friend.. just PLEASE let me help you! let me be with you:(

leathermouth rocks my world♥

idk i have like MONTHS! without hearing leathermouth cause the cd remainss me bad things.. but yesterday idk why i have in such leathermouth mood i decided to hear the cd after all these months and OMG it was so fucking great i was sssooo happy and then my mom yell at me SHUT THAS THING OFF all that SCREAMING DRIVES ME NUTSS! and i had to turn it off:( but anyway i love leathermouth:)!

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

im sick as a dog.

my dog bite my hand :( and it hurts and im mad at her cause she hurt me:( and im very sick the alergy got me real baddd this time all because of my anual cementary trip:B and it didnt worth it because all the wind it was D: and i have tons of homework e.e and i have this beautiful quiroga book that its waiting for me and i havent fucking time to read it and that just SUCKS...

THANKS for acting like you care...

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

love is fragile
and were not always its best caretakers
we do the best we can and hope this fragile thing survive
against all odds.